Tuesday, May 24, 2011

thanks for the recommendation dad

While I was visiting Tess we decided to spend a bit of time in Copenhagen. I kind of loved it the second we got there, and I completely understand why my Dad loves it so much. We first walked around the area surrounding Tivoli and then made our way to the main shopping area (of course). After this we came to Nyhavn which was my absolute favourite. It is right along the canal and is surrounded by some of the prettiest and most colourful buildings. We staked out at one of the patio bars for a few drinks where we met some interesting people, and admired all of the beautiful Danish people around us. 
That night we met up with a friend of ours from Etobicoke who had just flown in to Copenhagen. We had some yummy sushi for dinner, a classy pre-drink, and an insane night out. Let's just say that the bus/ferry back to Aarhus was one of the worst experiences of my life (and most embarrassing). 
It was definitely a night to remember. I had so much fun with Tess and Dani, and was excited at the prospect of being able to meet up with Dani on a future trip (which I will soon be updating you all on). Oh and thanks Dad for recommending Copenhagen as a place to visit, I probably never would have gotten there otherwise and I am so thankful I did. For now it is off to bed. I spent the day in Inverness with one of my flatmates battling what was one of the windiest days this country has seen in awhile so I am a little exhausted. xo

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