Wednesday, May 25, 2011

it can't get much cuter

After our time in London enjoying the royal wedding Claire and I began our week long venture, and our final trip together. Our first stop off was in Bruges. It was recommended to us by a friend of Tess's we met in Ireland (thanks Astrid). We only spent the day in the lovely little town, but that is really all it needed. I am pretty sure we saw the entire town in the full day we were there. 
We started off our time in Belgium the proper way - with waffles of course. And they were as delicious as we thought they would be. During the rest of our time in the city we went on a boat cruise, drank Belgium beer in Markt square, admired all of the horse-drawn carriages, and experienced one of the most unexpected, however enjoyable surprises. 
Bruges was absolutely adorable - literally everything about it. The uneven cobblestone streets took cute to a whole new level. The houses couldn't have been more perfect. And all of the canals running through the city made it that much better. It is officially a contender for favourite visited place so far. 
Oh and if you are wondering who those random boys are with flags, yah that was the unexpected surprise. Claire and I wandered into one of the buildings in the Markt where it seemed like a performance was going to take place. And then these guys came out. And then some girls. And then a whole lot more people. So of course we ended up staying there for an hour and a half watching these random dancers. Turns out they are kind of famous - Aglaja anyone? Yah we didn't know either, but apparently wikipedia does. xo

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