Thursday, May 19, 2011

all too sudden

So I finished the last exam for my third year of university today - goodbye strathclyde exams. You didn't last long but I still didn't appreciate you being around. And while this news is fantastic (trust me, not having to study today was wonderful) it also hit me how little time I have left in Glasgow. How few days I have left to do all of the things I have been putting off doing in this city, and this beautiful country. 
As the girls and I sat around our living room today we realized that there are only a few days that we have where we will all be in Glasgow. Some are going on trips, others are leaving earlier, and ones family is visiting. In all of this we still need to find time to enjoy each others company for just a little bit longer. None of us are ready for the far-to-soon goodbye that is encroaching. It is difficult to imagine not seeing these girls everyday. Witnessing them trip over everything, listening to stories about the "monster", watching videos of eating kinder surprises, adding to the map, and having some far too inappropriate conversations. It is these moments that I will miss most. The small ones. 
Here's to the last 16 days in Glasgow. Let's make it worthwhile. xo

1 comment:

  1. I'll miss you girls ... :(
    But hey, let's make the most of it even for a few days left!

    Marie ^^'
