Saturday, May 14, 2011

the beginning of the end

We were all aware that the time would come when our adventure across 5 countries came to an end but it seemed to go by so quickly, even though our backpacks and lack of clean clothes proved otherwise. Our final destination was Madrid, and it was the perfect place to end our trip. Basically because it consisted of lots and lots of markets, siestas in parks and delicious food. Aka our lack of sleep had caught up to us. 
The city was wonderful and the beautiful weather didn't hurt either. We spent a morning lounging in front of a palace (pretty much the perfect life we determined), the afternoon perusing markets (where we picked up some interesting items), and the night dancing away with some new friends we met at our hostel. 
Madrid was a lot different than Barcelona, and I think I have to say I liked it a little bit better. The feel was totally different but more up my alley. The next couple days in Madrid were just as wonderful and consisted of the most amazing park I have ever laid my eyes on (don't worry, you will get to see it via photo tomorrow). For now adios. It is time for bed. Studying has made me exhausted and the thought of having to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again is so unappealing. Only 6 days until I am free of exams though!

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