Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the way it's really done

After our time in Paris the four of us made our way to Lyon to visit our friend Gaby from Strathclyde. When we first started talking about planning a Eurotrip she suggested that we come stay with her at her French home and get the full blown French experience. How could we say no to that? 
Lyon was beautiful, and somewhere I most likely never would have visited otherwise. With hills on either side of the city, and a river running through the middle it didn't feel too much like a city (which to my surprise it actually is). Gaby did a wonderful job of showing us all of the tourist sites in Lyon, and throwing in the classic French lifestyle requirements. We ate lunch in a rose garden complete with champagne and homemade brownies, enjoyed a midday macaroon, and had a late afternoon snack of cheese and baguettes by the river. Total perfection. And then came the best part. Homemade traditional French crepes cooked on a crepe maker. We sat with her younger brother and sisters mixing various ingredients to make delicious crepe masterpieces. Favourite: sugar, butter, lemon juice. YUM. 
We were so thankful that we got to have this relaxing time in Lyon with Gaby after all of the hectic travelling we had been having. It also let us get some good sleep, and prepare for our next and final country - Spain. But more on that later. For now I am off to bed. First exam tomorrow - wish me luck! xo

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