Tuesday, May 31, 2011

brussels: the end

We met up with two of my friends from Etobicoke whose hotel we were crashing for our remaining two nights (anything for free accommodation). I had such a good time with them and it was nice having a little taste of home over here. Our last day was extremely lazy. We showed them around a few places, ate the most delicious waffle with ice-cream and enjoyed the night out. Here are a few pictures that capture it all perfectly. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

brussels: part 2

It feels like I have been talking about my travels for so long now, and I still have things to fill you in on. Never ending. Which I guess I can't complain about because that means that I have actually been able to travel to all of these lovely places but there are so many things going on right now that I want to share. 
The second day in Brussels was our political day - no this was not solely my idea, but secretly I was super excited about it. It started off with the Schuman square where the European Council and the European Commission are located. Then it was off to Cinquantenaire and Museum Park which we could see off in the distance. Our political day continued with the European Parliament and the Federal Parliament. The remainder of the day included the Royal Palace (of course more palaces), waffles and chocolate, a Basilica and the Atomium (which has an adventure story attached).
So here is our story about our adventure to the Atomium (built for Expo '58). Our map said that it was cool, and that it had moving stairs to go between the large silver balls. So of course we thought it was worth a look. Thinking we could navigate there without it being located on our map was the first mistake. We got terribly lost and seemed to be in a sketchy neighbourhood. So we searched for a metro station - which apparently don't exist in this sketchy part of town. A long while later we find one that takes us to the Atomium 
(as if we thought we could walk there). We go inside all excited for these moving stairs and then it hits us as we go up the escalator, that in Belgium moving staircases  = escalators. Our excitement was ruined, and after walking about inside we discovered that the Atomium is only cool from the outside. Let's just say we were a little disappointed, with either the Atomium or our stupidity for not realizing what moving staircases were. xo

Friday, May 27, 2011

brussels: part 1

From Bruges we made our way to Brussels where we spent the next three days. Not thinking I would ever make it to Belgium on this adventure, I had no prior expectations for the city. And it turned out to be different then anything I had ever been to. As our hilarious map told us the city is now a combination of the old and new. Somehow Brussels makes it work though. 
Day one consisted of seeing the gothic St.Goedele-St.Michiels Cathedral, walking around Grand Place admiring the chocolate shops, being amused by Manneken Pis, stumbling upon the hidden romantic Egmont Park, eating more waffles, being terrified in the Palais de Justice, wanting to play in the best playground ever, somehow becoming part of what we think was a socialist parade, watching people at skate or die and having a nap at the botanical gardens. 

In one day we thought we saw everything we could and more. But the next day brought us even more excitement -well me at least. But more on that later. xo

Thursday, May 26, 2011

glasgow at its finest

Taking a little break from talking about all of my past travels here are a few pictures from a beautiful day in Glasgow. I am sure going to miss walking around this place. Only 9 days left until I have to move out of here and say bye to my home for the past 4 months.