Sunday, March 13, 2011

something like an update for your sunday night enjoyment

So I thought it was about time that I gave an update of sorts on my life here in Glasgow. I also wanted to reveal where I will be headed over our spring break (it may be breaking my bank account but it is sure to be amazing). So here goes my list - if you know me well then you know that lists are my favourite way to do things. I can't believe this is my first one on here. Anyways, life update:

  • I am going to Ireland for St. Patricks day this year. I am leaving on Wednesday morning and coming back on Saturday. I will be staying in Cork at one of my flatmates friends apartments (free accommodation is my favourite). It is sure to be one wild week with my wildest of flatmates. Oh and I am hoping to meet up with some friends from back home AND the girls that I met in Sevilla - all very exciting.
  • This past week has involved me writing my first essay of the semester - yes that is what I am currently procrastinating from doing. I haven't written an essay since November so it is proving a little difficult to get back into the writing mode. I know, I know everyone is thinking, that girl goes to school over there? It shocks me sometimes too. 
  • When Claire and I came home from Spain we had lovely little <3 and XO notes on our doors from our lovely flatmate. It still makes me smile when I have to open my awkwardly heavy door and sit in my too-small-it-makes-me-go-crazy-writing-an-essay room. 
  • A long story short I am now using a very ghetto version of the phone I had when I was 14. It really can only...well actually I am not too sure what it can do. It can send a text. But is very bad at telling me the time and having the alarm go off at the right time. Oh and it is pink - that I like. 
  • I bought an alarm clock due to the lack of reliance my UK flip phone provides me. 
  • We got snow yesterday. Snow may be a bit of an overstatement but still, there was white stuff on the ground and I was not happy about it at all. Therefore I refused to leave the flat. Currently I am hoping that mother nature does not give us anymore of it. Rain is fine. Snow is not. 
  • I bought a new jacket :) and I am so so so in love with it. I lost a part of my trench coat a few weeks ago (also a long story) and therefore it looks kind of awkward on. This new coat is also beige but totally different then a trench. I will get some pictures in it soon to show you all. (this may be another reason my bank account is hurting right now?)
  • SPRNG BREAK plans have been finalized. Claire, Amy, Kayla and I will be travelling to - dun dun dun - Salzberg, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Munich, Paris, Lyon, Barcelona and Madrid from March 31st to April 17th. We could not be more excited! Knowing us it will be an insane trip. Europe is so not ready for Flat2D. 
That is all for now. Glasgow still rocks. I am still so in love with it here. I still don't want to ever leave. So basically not a wholeeee lot has changed. Back to the essay? I suppose so. xo

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