Friday, March 25, 2011

afternoons full of tearooms and sunshine

It has been absolutely beautiful here in Glasgow lately. Blue skies and sunshine make everything so much better. The temperatures have even been higher! On my run yesterday I only had to wear a tank top! In the middle of my run I had even wished that I wore my shorts instead of pants. It is actually that nice and warm here! In a city that normally rains every single person heads outside to enjoy the sun when it comes out. The parks were full of people playing football, walking their dogs and playing with their children. It was fantastic. 
A few days ago, on another warm and sunny day, Claire, Kayla and I decided to boycott our work for the afternoon and go enjoy some tea at the Willow Tea Room that I went to when my mom visited. We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the city and frolicking in the sunshine. 

It is supposed to be sunny and warm all weekend which will be a nice change! Although I am currently busying writing essays so for right now I will be enjoying the sun from my room. We are planning on doing some shopping tomorrow for a few things we need for our spring break trip (we leave in less then a week!!). So hopefully it is gorgeous and sunny for the little bit that I will step out of the flat. xo

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