Monday, March 21, 2011

the longest journey to the prettiest place

I made it home alive from Ireland - which is an amazing feat based on the trip we had. I am going to start off from the beginning, where things got pretty interesting. Claire, Amy, Kayla and I left the Glasgow central train station (headed to Glasgow Prestwick Airport which is an hour away) at 11:30pm on Tuesday. You are probably thinking "why would they do that, no way does their plane leave until the morning", and you are right, our plane wasn't flying out until 7:00 Wednesday morning. But of course, it is just our luck that trains stop at 12 and don't start up again until 5 forcing us to take the last train out. Due to our budget conscious minds we decided it would be fine to sleep in the airport that night. We didn't really consider the possibility that it would be the tiniest airport ever, leaving us to sleep on the cold, tiled floors - aka we didn't get much sleep (or any at all really). I have never been so cold in my entire life - we were so thankful to finally get on the plane. 
We flew into Dublin (45 minute flight) where we all had a bit of a panic attack on the plane during landing. See we passssed out once we got in the plane and then ryanairs inability to land smoothly led us to being startled awake thinking we had hit some sort of building, or crashed into the ground. Definitely not the most pleasant way to wake up. We then had to wait 2 hours (which is when we decided it was a good idea to wash our face, change our clothes and make ourselves look presentable again) until we had to get on a lovely 4 hour bus ride to Cork. 
After what felt like the lengthiest amount of travelling ever, we arrived in the beautiful town of Cork! It was sunny (a nice change from the cold we left in Glasgow) and the river running through the town made it all seem picture perfect. 
Kayla, Claire, Amy and I
We were staying with Kayla's friend Joe, who she goes to school with back home. He lived in an apartment with a few other people that were so cool and accommodating. We quickly dropped our bags off at his place and then he took us for a tour around Cork for the day. We went to his university campus, walked along the river, saw Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral, and just enjoyed our few sober hours in Ireland. 
University campus
Fell in love with this part of campus
Claire and I
Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral
River running through the town
Outside the cathedral
Loving the buildings
It was a perfect way to start off our trip. The next instalment of the insanity that was Ireland will be posted tomorrow (I am still dead tired from the lack of sleep I got while being there). Goodnight xo

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