Thursday, March 31, 2011

heading on our way

I just finished packing my bag - which probably weighs way more then what I am allowed...hmm I wonder how Ryanair is going to feel about that. Probably not well. But other then that I am ready to go! We are taking a bus down from Glasgow (leaving at 11pm) and getting in to London at 7:05am. Overnight bus - sketchy? Perhaps. We will be spending the day in London and then taking our flight to Salzburg later that night. And so the journey begins!
Due to some unfortunate circumstances (aka the incapability of ipad's to agree with me/the universe) I will not be able to post pictures to my blog over the course of my trip. I will continue to write about the adventures as we go along. When I get back I will then overwhelm you all with the many pictures I will be taking. 
I leave you with a few pictures of our sunny day in Glasgow and the new coat I bought that I mentioned a posts ago. 

And so the Euro trip adventure of Flat2D begins! xo

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