Tuesday, March 29, 2011

international kids do it best

International wednesdays continue to be our favourite night of the week. You know that when you get a group of 20+ year olds from around the world in one bar things are going to get crazy. Our flat has had countless hilarious stories and memories after wednesday nights. They are something we will always remember about being here.  
Unfortunately our wednesday night adventures are going to start coming to a close soon. Due to our travel plans and the fact that time is moving so fast we are making sure to make the most of the ones we have left. Got to get some even more good stories out of them. 
In other news I am going to see the Taylor Swift concert in Manchester tonight! Amy is obsessed with her so at the beginning of the semester we decided we had to go see her in concert. Despite the fact that I am stressing hardcore about everything I have to do before I leave on our spring break trip it is going to be one great night! xo

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