Thursday, April 28, 2011

royal wedding

I have some exciting news! I am headed off to London tonight - meaning that I will be in the city for the Royal Wedding! It is hard to contain my excitement right now. And I am sure it will be even harder tomorrow when everything is going on. The city is decked out in British flags, people have already started camping out, and there is supposed to be a ridiculous amount of people in the streets. So basically I hope I just make it through the day alive and in one piece. 
If anyone knows me they already are aware that I have a thing for weddings. If you don't let me fill you in - I adore them! All of them, every little detail of them. But for this wedding I am most excited about what most others are probably excited for  - the dress! I am sure it will amaze us all. So here is to an amazing wedding, and hoping that it won't rain like the forecasts predicted (no one wants rain on their wedding).
After London Claire and I are off to Brussels, Brugge and Amsterdam. I will be home next Saturday to fill you all in on the rest of my travels :) Till then I hope you have a good week because I know I will. xo

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