Monday, April 18, 2011

not all those who wander are lost

I am home from my 2 and a half week long trip through five European countries. Insane sounding, I know. So much to see in so little time, but I felt that I got a really good grasp of every city I visited. 
Let me start off by saying the trip was absolutely amazing (obviously). I got to see so many places that lots of people will never visit. And even better then that I did the whole thing with three amazing people (and also visited a few other lovely friends along the way). The things that we learned about each other and ourselves can't be found anywhere else. We may have had our disagreements, and our bad days, but in the end we came out closer then ever. I can't wait for the future journeys I take with these girls. So thank you Kayla, Amy, and Claire for being the best travel companions. I could not have had a more hilarious and memorable spring break<3
I leave you with a picture from the start of our journey, ready to start the long waited adventure we planned. 
Big smiles
(I am hoping to update a few more times today while I am in Glasgow. I head off to Denmark tomorrow to visit my bff Tess. The busy life just keeps on going).

1 comment:

  1. I like the very happy faces, not yet exhausted, which were more like the ones I saw :) You all seem sooooo ... blooming!
