Tuesday, April 19, 2011

london town

As I mentioned before I fell in love with London. And this wasn't the type of love that happens instantly. Unlike some of the other places I have been it didn't hit me right as I stepped off the bus/plane. It happened over the course of the day. But I think it is the one that I can see myself heading back to. I will see if that same feeling hits me when I go back for the Royal Wedding :) Here are a few pictures from my way-too-short of a time in London.
Buckingham Palace
St. James Park
So happy
Westminster Abbey
Big Ben
This was just the beginning of our trip around Europe. It wasn't even supposed to be a destination...it was just the only place we could get a flight out to Salzburg. But I am so glad I got to get a little sneak peek at the city before I head back a couple more times. xo

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