Tuesday, April 26, 2011

take me back any day

Prague is one of those places that I would love to visit again. As soon as we stepped out of the train station I knew I was going to love it. It had the ability to fully take me over. The beautiful architecture that took my breath away, the majestic feeling of the Prague castle, and the delicious Czech food are all reasons that someone could take me back anytime. It is currently in competition for my favourite European city so far. We will see how it holds up! In the meantime here are my favourite shots from our time there.
Pretty buildings
In the Jewish Quarter
Loving it all
Old Jewish Cemetary
Old Town Square
So these are my friends...
Wenceslas Square
Amy, Kayla and I
Prague castle
Sitting on Charles Bridge
St. Vitus's Cathedral
View from the castle
Castle gates
Delicious Czech food
Charles Bridge
We all had an amazing time in Prague and weren't quite sure how things were going to top it. Around every corner was something new to discover, something new to lay our eyes on.    If not for the insanely difficult Czech language I would definitely consider living there (we rated cities on how livable they were). For the meantime it will remain in my favourite places. xo

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