Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the prettiest city

How do I even begin with Prague? This city was magical and lived up to every expectation I had for it. We got in to the city around 12:00 on the 5th of April (after missing our initial earlier train - oops). The initial difficulty when first getting in to the Czech republic wasn't the language, but the money (getting 1500kc out of a bank machine felt ridiculous). We stayed at St. Christopher's Mosaic House which did not feel like the right place as we walked up to it. It was modern, clean and nice - something we weren't exactly expecting on this trip. The staff was so helpful in setting us up and giving us ideas of where to go and what to eat. 
As per suggestion we ate at Cafe Louvre and althouugh it sounds like a French restaurant it serves some of the best traditional Czech food.  We had a beef dish with whip cream and cranberry sauce in a gravy mixture and bread dumplings. It was really heavy but so delicious. We also had our first Czech beer, Bernards, that was priced significantly lower then water- just our style. 
We spent the afternoon wandering all of the curvy, cobblestone streets admiring all of the interesting architecture. I have never seen anything quite like it. Literally every building was beautiful and required us to stop and take a picture. We also stopped by Zidovsky hrbitov, the Old Jewish Cemetary in the Jewish Quarter. The tombstones were all tilted and leaning on one another creating an interesting effect. I didn't know much about Czech history before I visited so it was really interesting to learn about it while we were there. The inside of the synagogue was covered with all of the names of the Jewish people that died during World War II - and the impact it had was incredible. That night we ate at Lemon Leaf, a Thai restaurant close to our hostel and tried the Urquell beer. We spent the rest of the night trying as many more Czech beers as we could (our goal was to compare Czech vs. German beer over the course of our trip).
The following day in Prague was even better. We explored the Old Town Square, astronomical clock, Old Town Hall, Wenceslas Square and visited a market. The market was one of my favorite parts. There were so man cool pieces and childrens toys. If I had room in my bag I would have definitely picked up a piece of artwork. I was able to find a few bracelets that I fell in love with. We continued our day with crossing the Charles Bridge and headed to the Lower Quarter where the Prague castle is located. Within the castle gates we saw St.Vitus Cathedral,that had really beautiful stained glass and the royal palace. The view from the Prague castle was the best. You could see for miles and the city looked beautiful from so high up. We ate more traditional Czech food on our way down from the castle (goulash) that was heavenly. Sadly we only had two days in Prague but we felt like we got to see a ton in the time we had.
I will give more information on this fantastic city when I upload pictures when I get home from our trip (only 4 days left). I still have so many more cities to update on! Out for the night in Barcelona tonight! Xo

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