Saturday, July 2, 2011

for a good time not for a long time

I am home from my 5 month adventure in Europe! It is crazy to think that it is all over. How has it already come to this? Didn't I just get there? Even though I have only been back for 2 days I have fallen right back into my life here at home (minus now wanting to talk about travels all the time and constantly thinking about my girls from Scotland). 
At this current moment in time I am battling jetlag. It is harder then I thought it would be. I just want to go to sleep all-of-the-time. This makes going back to work a little but harder (which I did today and was less painful then it could have been). 
As I sort through the endless amount of photos I took over the past few weeks I am going to leave you with some photos from our last infamous international wednesday. 
P.S. I kinda sort of really miss Scotland. 

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