Friday, July 22, 2011

munich 2.0

After three days in London, Mel and I met up with Sarah, the final person in our Euro-travelling trio. I often like to refer to her as the twin attached to my hip when we reside together in Kingston. This isn't as creepy as it sounds. Point is, we were all finally together and ready to start the trip we had been planning for what felt like ever (it was more like a year, but that's a long time right?). So it was off to...

I was so incredibly excited to go back to this city. My girls from Scotland were jealous that I was soon going to be holding a litre mug and a massive pretzel in my hand, so I obviously had to drink and eat even more for their sake. We spent the entire first day and night moving from one beer garden to the next. Exactly what you should be doing in Munich. We became immediate friends with some lovely Bavarian men at Hofbrauhaus who took us around for the evening. There could not have been a better way to start off our Euro trip. 

Did I mention that they were in lederhosen? Because they were. It was super cool. Also how is it possible that in that last photo it was near 9pm? Take me back to litre mugs and bright evenings. 

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