Tuesday, July 26, 2011

in a disney movie

After our night of debauchery with the Bavarians we headed to Neuschwanstein castle located about 2 hours from Munich. I would like to make a note that taking a two hour train ride after the night we had was definitely not our best idea but nonetheless we made it and were stoked to see the castle that inspired the Disney princess castles. This may or may not have been the reason we wanted to go. 
So let's just say Neuschwanstein was all it is cracked up to be. Surrounded by mountains the off-white castle stands out amoung all of the greenery. The best part of the whole thing was standing on Marienbrucke, looking out at the castle with a flowing waterfall underneath. Postcard worthy photo op I tell you. But these pictures I have barely do it justice. Here they are anyways. 
first glimpse
your average bavarian viewpoint
dreamlike. i swear. 
disney princess anyone?
sarah gave me a lesson in camping
drinking some waterfall water
a usual day in europe
This is possibly what perfection looks like. No not me. The castle. Duh. 
We spent such a long time on the Marienbrucke gazing out at the castle and the surrounding area. Later Sarah and I climbed down to the waterfall (where we soon realized I am not nearly as capable of doing such a thing) to get a little taste of the water. yum yum yum. I think this was also the time we discovered sarah lives for danger. Yes danger, not the wilderness. (writers note: most likely no one will understand that. but I am too lazy to explain. sarah and mel can explain). xo

Friday, July 22, 2011

munich 2.0

After three days in London, Mel and I met up with Sarah, the final person in our Euro-travelling trio. I often like to refer to her as the twin attached to my hip when we reside together in Kingston. This isn't as creepy as it sounds. Point is, we were all finally together and ready to start the trip we had been planning for what felt like ever (it was more like a year, but that's a long time right?). So it was off to...

I was so incredibly excited to go back to this city. My girls from Scotland were jealous that I was soon going to be holding a litre mug and a massive pretzel in my hand, so I obviously had to drink and eat even more for their sake. We spent the entire first day and night moving from one beer garden to the next. Exactly what you should be doing in Munich. We became immediate friends with some lovely Bavarian men at Hofbrauhaus who took us around for the evening. There could not have been a better way to start off our Euro trip. 

Did I mention that they were in lederhosen? Because they were. It was super cool. Also how is it possible that in that last photo it was near 9pm? Take me back to litre mugs and bright evenings. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

the meeting point

My June adventures started off with a stop in England. After making the journey from Paris to London, I met up with Mel. For anyone who doesn't know who Mel is she is this sometimes cool girl who I live with in Kingston. Just kidding, she's never cool (I love you Mello). We hadn't seen each other in over 4 months so we were both looking forward to being reunited.
We spent the next 3 days wandering around the streets of London and perusing the various districts. I showed Mel around the places that I had previously been, and felt were necessary to see and then we saw a bunch of things that I wasn't able to see the other times. 
It was the perfect way to start off our trip. Plus, reuniting with friends is the best.
Beauty London weather
London Eye
Legit fan
St. Pauls Cathedral
St. Pauls
Trafalgar square

Spice girls anyone?
Hyde Park

Friday, July 15, 2011

i miss scotland

I am currently going through Scotland withdrawal. As in major Scotland withdrawal. So bear with me as I share more pictures from my time there. I will soon get to recapping my travels over the month of June. These pictures were taken at Loch Ness and I would love to go back to this beautiful Scottish day. xo

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

family is always best

As I mentioned earlier my mom, brother and grandma flew over to visit me in Paris after I moved out of my flat in Glasgow. I had about 6 days between moving out of my flat and meeting up with Mel and Sarah. I was so happy when the whole Paris trip idea worked out  (I wasn't really sure what I was going to do). Plus I got to save all the money I would have spent during that time. 
I was so excited to get to spend a longer amount of time in Paris. Again and again the city draws me in and makes me want to instantly move there. It may be the simple beauty of Montmartre, the stunned feeling I get every time I see the Eiffel tower, the relevance of art, or the delicious food. Or it could be the perfect combination of all of these things. Whatever it is I love it. And I would go back instantly if I had the chance. 
My brother and I get weird when reunited
The similarity is scary
Spending these days with the family was just what I needed after leaving Glasgow. It had been so long since I had seen them so it was a nice and relaxing week before starting my next backpacking trip. So once again, thanks fam for spending all that money to fly out and see me. It was perfect. xo