Monday, June 6, 2011

the next step

My time in Scotland is over. After the tears fell, the goodbyes were had, and the last drinks were drank we all went on our separate ways. I am going to miss everything about Glasgow and the people I met there (well maybe not the lack of recycling but that could just be me). I learned so much over my four months on exchange - living in a new country, travelling, meeting new people and discovering things about other cultures. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I will be eternally grateful for. 
But now it is on to the next adventure. I am currently in Paris with my mom, brother and grandma and will be here for the next few days. After that I am meeting up with two friends from home that I will be travelling with for three weeks (I will share a bit more on that later). For right now I am going to reminisce a bit more about my time in Glasgow. Here are a few photos from our last nights in Scotland. 

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