Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the beginning of my final travel adventure

My second Eurotrip is in full swing. I met up with Mel a few days ago and we have spent the first little while exploring London. As I have mentioned before I absolutely love this city. I love the vibe, the sights, the accents, and the history. I took her around to a few things that I had done the last time I was here (Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey) and we did a bunch of things I hadn't gotten to do yet (Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Tower of London). My favorite was the Tower Bridge, aka the one that stars in the spice girls movie. I have been wanting to see the bridge since I saw the movie (aka when I was about 8) and I can now finally check that off the list.
We met up with Sarah a couple days later and spent a bunch of time in Hyde Park enjoying the fantastic weather and catching up on each others lives. It has been so great to finally see these girls after so long. It is always nice to know that you can fall right back into a friendship after being apart.
our next destination was Munich which I was very excited to revisit after how much fun I had last time. I was read to hold that litre mug and eat a pretzel. xo

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