Saturday, June 25, 2011

an attempt at catching up

I realize that it has been forever since I have posted on here. Apparently updating while traveling this time around has been even more sparse then the last. But I have been having the most amazing time, so I'm forgiven right?
I am currently in Florence, Italy and headed to Rome tomorrow morning. This will be the last city stop on my European adventure and then it is back on a plane to the homeland (aka Canada, just to keep everyone in the loop).
Over the past couple weeks I travelled to Munich, Athens, Mykonos, Santorini, and Venice the whole trip has been amazing and I will be posting photos and talking more about each city when I get back.
For right now I am going to enjoy the rest of my time in italy by eating as much gelato as humanly possible. Oh pasta and pizza too of course. xo

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the beginning of my final travel adventure

My second Eurotrip is in full swing. I met up with Mel a few days ago and we have spent the first little while exploring London. As I have mentioned before I absolutely love this city. I love the vibe, the sights, the accents, and the history. I took her around to a few things that I had done the last time I was here (Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey) and we did a bunch of things I hadn't gotten to do yet (Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Tower of London). My favorite was the Tower Bridge, aka the one that stars in the spice girls movie. I have been wanting to see the bridge since I saw the movie (aka when I was about 8) and I can now finally check that off the list.
We met up with Sarah a couple days later and spent a bunch of time in Hyde Park enjoying the fantastic weather and catching up on each others lives. It has been so great to finally see these girls after so long. It is always nice to know that you can fall right back into a friendship after being apart.
our next destination was Munich which I was very excited to revisit after how much fun I had last time. I was read to hold that litre mug and eat a pretzel. xo

Thursday, June 9, 2011

the next adventure

I am leaving early tomorrow morning for my next European adventure. I am starting in London where I am meeting up with two friends from home (Mel and Sarah). I am excited that I get to go back and revisit some of my favourite sights, and some new ones of course. After that we are off to Munich for a couple days to drink some beer and eat bratwurst. Well that's what I am going to do at least. And then comes the exciting part - Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, Venice, Florence and Rome! before coming on exchange Greece and Italy were my two must-see places so I am excited to finally get around to them. It is going to be a whirlwind 3 weeks but it will be full of tons of memories and amazing places. 
over the course of the 3 weeks I am going to try and update the blog as much as possible (with no pictures unfortunately as I will only have my ipad with me). But keep checking for updates and once I am back home in the lovely Canada I will fill you all in with pictures and more details of my adventure. For now, heres to new places, people, and lessons. xo

I am leaving you with a few pictures from my time in Paris with the family :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

just like in dreams

I went on a solo trip to Isle of Skye in my last couple weeks of being in Scotland. I had heard so much about it and knew that I had to make it all the way up there while I was over here. With it being a somewhat inconvenient place to get to without renting a car (and no way was I doing that) I decided to go with a mini tour. There were 14 of us in total and as much as my parents made fun of me for going on a tour it was definitely the easiest way to see so much of the island. 
The island itself was remarkable. I could not have dreamed up a more perfect place. From the expansive and bright green slopes, to the countless grazing sheep it all seemed unimaginable. Like a place you can only think of in you dreams. BUt it existed, and of all the places I have been so far it was the most breathtaking, eye-catching and overwhelmingly amazing. Here are a few photos from our first day on the island. They barely do it justice.

Monday, June 6, 2011

the next step

My time in Scotland is over. After the tears fell, the goodbyes were had, and the last drinks were drank we all went on our separate ways. I am going to miss everything about Glasgow and the people I met there (well maybe not the lack of recycling but that could just be me). I learned so much over my four months on exchange - living in a new country, travelling, meeting new people and discovering things about other cultures. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I will be eternally grateful for. 
But now it is on to the next adventure. I am currently in Paris with my mom, brother and grandma and will be here for the next few days. After that I am meeting up with two friends from home that I will be travelling with for three weeks (I will share a bit more on that later). For right now I am going to reminisce a bit more about my time in Glasgow. Here are a few photos from our last nights in Scotland. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

the first goodbyes

Nobody likes goodbyes. We are especially having a hard time with them right now. Not knowing when we will see each other again makes it that much more difficult. But we promised we would make the most of our last week in Glasgow. A few of us got together at Liams for a final farewell to some of these people.
I am going to miss these people<3

Thursday, June 2, 2011


isle of arran

Last Wednesday Amy and I decided to venture over to the Isle of Arran for the day. It is located southwest of Glasgow and was the perfect destination for a quick little day trip. We had typical unpredictable Scottish weather but it didn't stop us from walking around the east side of the island. We had a great time exploring and relaxing in such a beautiful place. The scenery was stunning, and we both determined that we felt like we were in a Harry Potter movie. I am going to miss the everyday adventures of Scotland.