Sunday, February 27, 2011

we are golden

It was sunny AGAIN today! Third day in a row. It's fantastic - I never want it to go away. But we all know that's not going to happen. So I will embrace the rain when it comes back - which is probably going to be tomorrow now that I jinxed it. I was extra happy that it was sunny today because my Dad arrived and we visited some of my favourite places around Glasgow. Buchanan street (the main shopping area) was packed today with people playing bagpipes, doing football tricks, and playing guitar. It is always a spectacle walking down that street - and even more so today with the sun out. We had dinner at Bar Square located in the very cool Merchant Square. While there we realized how much life has changed from him pushing me around in my stroller with pigtails coming out the top of my head, to me getting us drinks from the bar in Scotland :) Tomorrow we are going to head out to the West End of the city, a place I haven't been to since I first got here, to see the University of Glasgow, Kelvingrove Park, and hopefully make time for afternoon tea. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend as well! xo

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