Friday, February 18, 2011

this is your life, do what you love

The past few days have involved more sightseeing around Glasgow. I went with two of my flatmates back to the Glasgow Cathedral and Necropolis because I love them that much. It was a beautiful day so we walked around most of the Necropolis taking in the views of Glasgow. We also made our way down to Glasgow Green and enjoyed a stroll along part of the River Clyde. 
Monuments at Necropolis
Royal Infirmary in the distance
Kayla and Claire
Glasgow Green
Where public executions took place
Currently I am looking forward to my friend Carly visiting tomorrow! She is flying over to Scotland for part of her reading week and is coming to Glasgow for tomorrow night. We are then going to make our way to Edinburgh for the weekend where her sister goes to school. While there we are hoping to see another one of our friends from work, Brian who is also going to be in Edinburgh for the weekend. It should be a great weekend! xo

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