Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This past weekend my friend Carly flew allll the way over from Canada to visit me (and her sister..but thats not as important) for her reading week. We had first discussed this idea in the summer when I told her I would be studying in Scotland for the semester. Conveniently her sister goes to school in Edinburgh so it could be a joint visit for her. Although we tossed around the idea of her coming I didn't think that it would necessarily happen. But to my delight she did visit!
She arrived on Friday and made her was to Glasgow for the day/night. While in Glasgow we did a bit of walking around and went to see an x-rated hypnotist at the student union. Carly had never seen a hypnotist before, and I had never seen a show quite like this one. It was definitely something to remember. Due to the fact that she was jet-legged and I was getting sick we didn't venture out far later that night. In the morning we had brunch at All Bar One and enjoyed a delicious and very large meal. We then made our way on to the train (my first Euro train ride) to head back to Edinburgh for the rest of the weekend. 
In Edinburgh we were able to see a ton of stuff in the little time that I was there. After dropping our bags off at her sisters apartment Carly and I decided to climb Arthurs Seat that afternoon. We were very inappropriately dressed to climb a mountain type thing (seeing as we were both wearing black knee high fashion boots) but were determined to make our way to the top anyways. At the top of Arthurs Seat it was a whole different type of weather: aka rain and lots of wind which made it slightly unpleasant. However the view of the city was still insane. The pictures don't do it justice at all - it just looks like we are on some weird hill - so you are just going to have to trust me when I say it was unreal. And so cool. 
Arthurs Seat
At the top!
At the top!
Finally made it
Carly being silly
And me being sillier
We were dead tired after climbing this but decided to stroll around the city for awhile to see some of the sights. It was nice to see the city when the night was rolling around and how all the lights looked against the buildings. After making it home in one piece we got nachos and caesar salad for dinner at a local pub right next to her sisters apartment. We rested our feet for awhile, had some drinks with her sisters friends before heading out to their campus club/bar thing for the night. Thankfully no actual camera followed us to the club but Carly did snap this on her blackberry - it captures the moment the night got strange. 

"Carly and bunny"
Tonight is international night so we are currently getting ready to head out for the night. We are going to Missoula Bar tonight and most likely heading over to Common for the rest of the evening. xo

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