Thursday, August 4, 2011

a different sort of day

So catching up on all of the things I did in the last months of my time in Europe seems to be taking much longer then I anticipated. I hope you stick along for the ride because some of my favourite places are still to come. But for now here is more on Munich. 

Our last day in Munich started off differently then the rest. The three of us woke up relatively early for a tour of the Dachau concentration camp. Located in the middle of a town, it is hard to believe that a concentration camp was placed there, and remains there as a visitation sight. We spent a majority of the day learning about the happenings of this specific camp, why it was built, and how its story ended. The day feels like a blur now. There was so much to absorb, and all of it was hard to both imagine and grasp. Despite being a depressing tour all three of us felt as if it was necessary to go on while in Munich. And I am so glad we did. 
But then the day turned around. It got a lot happier with the help of some wonderful new friends and a few litres of beer. The Bavarian lifestyle knows how to cheer someone up.
We actually met Brett, Christian and Ben on the tour at Dachau and spent the afternoon/night trying out different beer gardens, running through fountains, and eating one of the most delicious meals ever.  

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