Tuesday, August 9, 2011

learning to survive a riot

After our time in Munich we flew to Athens to start our week long adventure in Greece. I had been waiting so long for the Greece-Italy portion of my travels that I could barely contain my excitement. These two countries were must sees once I decided on exchange. With such rich cultures (and delicious food to be eaten) I had high hopes for the last two weeks in Europe and neither disappointed.
The sisterhood-of-the-travelling-pants adventure through Greece started with Athens. It was different then what I expected. It lacked the picturesque scenery that some of the other places had but made up for it in old, historical sites. I think we were all awe-struck when we saw the numerous ancient ruins located perfectly throughout the city.  

This was about the time we got ourselves mixed up in the public service riot. not the best place to be situated. Do we run? Or does that look like we are involved? Instead we stood on the outskirts and shot some photos. How often are you in Athens for a riot? Hopefully never again, but it probably tops some of our lists in hilarious stories. 
Our night finished off wonderfully though. A beauty view on the top of our hostel roof of the Acropolis. Perfection I tell you, perfection. Plus Mel and Sarah are some pretty cool girls to be spending time with. Just an added bonus of course. 

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