Sunday, August 14, 2011


Athens got pretty awesome by the second day. It may be because we went to the Acropolis. It could also be because the city wasn't in the middle of a public service strike and riot. Or you know, both.
So, the Acropolis. I don't think my words can adequately describe how cool it was. So I am not even going to try. No it is not because I am somewhat lazy today and frantically trying to find all of the things that are still missing from when I came home from Europe. So here are some photos. Some pretty freaking-awesome photos. So you really can't complain.
pondering life. and how this was built back then.
the view was pretty cool too.
The Acropolis was great. You should go. Hop on a place and head over. Because that's exactly what I want to do after looking at these photos again. xo

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