Sunday, September 4, 2011

venice heat

Italy. The last stop on my European adventure and the last place I will be talking about on this lovely little blog. This is a country I have been wanting to go to for as long as I can remember (which was then enhanced by watching The Lizzie McGuire Movie, When in Rome, and Under the Tuscan Sun). Apparently my trips became heavily based off what I have seen in movies. We started our Italy tour in Venice. With all of its winding streets, boat taxis, and never-ending canals it was kind of a given that we had to go there. 
We spent the majority of the time lost in the mini streets of Venice. But that was kind of the beauty of it all - minus the fact that I don't think I have experienced hotter weather. Mix that with walking around all day equals girls who just want to sit and eat gelato. So that's what we did. 
the start of an obsession
My cool friends

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