Wednesday, September 14, 2011

the vatican and my last day

On our final day in Rome (and my final day in Europe - AH!) we visited the Vatican. We put on our most conservative clothes and headed over to see where the Pope does his business. As I mentioned in the previous post I am not the religious type so it was a good thing I have Mel and Sarah there to answer all of my questions. 
Also Vatican is a separate country. So we kind of just sauntered into a different country part way through the day...oh how I love Europe. 
The inside of the Vatican was overwhelmingly beautiful. I could have wandered around the various areas all day.
My last day abroad was kind of awesome. And kind of ridiculously hot. I am pretty sure we camped out inside a gelato place for an extra long amount of time. At that moment I was ready to stop living out of a backpack but equally as ready to head back to Scotland and see my favourites. Of course this wasn't possible since they were already home and I had a plane back to Canada to catch the next day but you know. xo

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