Friday, September 23, 2011

it had to come eventually

I can't believe it has taken me this long to update on the last leg of my trip. Life seemed to get so busy when I got back. Plus I needed large chunks of time to relax after what was some of the craziest 5 months of my life. But the time has come. I knew that it was always ahead of us but it seems so sad now that it is here. It kind of finalizes it all. 
This little blog of mine is on its last post. 
I am so glad I started this project and that it was able to document all of my time spent abroad. Thank you to everyone who has followed along with me. It truly means a lot. 
As seen throughout the past few months I had the most amazing time in Europe. The opportunity to go on exchange has changed my life. I am grateful for all of the experiences I got to have and thankful to all of the people who made it as incredible as it was. 
To my flat2D girls, I miss you so much! I continue to reminisce about our hilarious times together. Keep living the European lifestyle, you know I will. And let's make sure we actually do meet up in Glasgow 10 years from now okay? Corinthian won't know what hit us.
Cheers xo


  1. amazing post :)
    I have to say that your blog is awesome!

  2. Lovely post girl!!
