Tuesday, August 30, 2011


On our last day in Santorini we though that we would do like the Greeks and get some ATVs for the day. I know us? On ATVs? On Greek roads? We thought it was just as crazy of an idea as you do. But we did it, and we survived (somehow). We drove them out to the black sand beach where we did our last little bit of sunbathing and swimming in the Med. After some lunch at the beach we drove them to the complete other side of the island to Oia where we enjoyed dinner on the edge of the cliff and watched the famous sunset. 
cool helmets
reading the funniest book ever aka tina fey's
black sand. so cool. 
from the beach to Oia
lil nugget chuggin along
we like it here
Our time in Santorini would have made the sisterhood girls proud. Goal accomplished. Plus I never thought that I would stay in a hotel with a pool while backpacking through Europe. Oh and George 2.0 (Fira George) deserves a shout out too. Thanks for the Mama's recommendation - her sex bombs miss her already. xo

Saturday, August 27, 2011

activity monsters

From Mykonos we made our way over to Santorini. This was the last stop on our Greek adventure and we had a few things that we wanted to accomplish before making our way to Italy (all sisterhood inspired of course). 
This included donkey riding, volcano climbing, cliff descending, hot spring swimming. And all on our first day. Activity monsters we were.  
the 600 stairs we climbed down
casually climbing a volcano
and we swam in hot springs
we rode donkeys this time around
Oh and did I mention we had a pool at our hotel...because we did. And after the steaming weather we had it was exactly what we needed when we got home. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

white houses and blue roofs

The Mykonos houses were everything I imagined Greece to be. That may be a bit of a naive statement but it is true. The sisterhood of the travelling pants really set me up for it. Blame it on them. But seriously, that't what I imagined, and in Mykonos it all became a reality. 
The houses were the whitest of whites (it is actually required that hotels and businesses repaint it white every year before tourists come in...kind of crazy I know), and the doors were a mesmerizing array of colours. Oh and did I mention the prettiest little churches scattered everywhere. The classic Greek white and blue churches too. It can't get much better. 
Our home for a few days
Isn't it the prettiest?
The famous windmills
I should also make a bit of a shout out to George, the owner of the hotel we stayed at. Basically he is the best. He was the cutest of Greek guys who showed us everywhere we should go and see on the island. Plus he introduced us to Stavros, the owner of Skandinavian bar aka our BFF as we like to call him. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration on Mels part. But he did provide us with some good stories.
Champagne nights
Our time in Mykonos has left us with some of the best memories. Beach surprises + windmills + Skando events = Mykonos love. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

mykonos beach life

Our Greek adventure continued when we took a ferry over to the crazy island of Mykonos. We spent the first two days on different beaches. They were stunning I tell you, totally and completely breathtaking. I have a bit of a preference for the second one we went to that was tucked away in a little bay in the Med. With no clouds in the sky, the saltiest water you could ever imagine, and really expensive drinks in hand we pretty much had the best time ever.
 Spending time relaxing on the beach was just what we wanted in the middle of our trip. It was a good break from all of the walking and touring we had been doing and would be doing once we got to Italy. Plus look at that water. I want to go jump in it right now. xo