Friday, September 23, 2011

it had to come eventually

I can't believe it has taken me this long to update on the last leg of my trip. Life seemed to get so busy when I got back. Plus I needed large chunks of time to relax after what was some of the craziest 5 months of my life. But the time has come. I knew that it was always ahead of us but it seems so sad now that it is here. It kind of finalizes it all. 
This little blog of mine is on its last post. 
I am so glad I started this project and that it was able to document all of my time spent abroad. Thank you to everyone who has followed along with me. It truly means a lot. 
As seen throughout the past few months I had the most amazing time in Europe. The opportunity to go on exchange has changed my life. I am grateful for all of the experiences I got to have and thankful to all of the people who made it as incredible as it was. 
To my flat2D girls, I miss you so much! I continue to reminisce about our hilarious times together. Keep living the European lifestyle, you know I will. And let's make sure we actually do meet up in Glasgow 10 years from now okay? Corinthian won't know what hit us.
Cheers xo

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

the vatican and my last day

On our final day in Rome (and my final day in Europe - AH!) we visited the Vatican. We put on our most conservative clothes and headed over to see where the Pope does his business. As I mentioned in the previous post I am not the religious type so it was a good thing I have Mel and Sarah there to answer all of my questions. 
Also Vatican is a separate country. So we kind of just sauntered into a different country part way through the day...oh how I love Europe. 
The inside of the Vatican was overwhelmingly beautiful. I could have wandered around the various areas all day.
My last day abroad was kind of awesome. And kind of ridiculously hot. I am pretty sure we camped out inside a gelato place for an extra long amount of time. At that moment I was ready to stop living out of a backpack but equally as ready to head back to Scotland and see my favourites. Of course this wasn't possible since they were already home and I had a plane back to Canada to catch the next day but you know. xo

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

getting ourselves confused

My favourite part of Rome was all of the history. It was overwhelming how much surrounded us that dated back to a time I can't even imagine. The history, and the importance of religion (aka the nuns walking around everywhere - literally everywhere) consumed most of our conversations for the entire time we were in Rome. By the third day we had gotten ourselves so confused with all of our questions and lack of knowledge of things Roman. Typical day in the life of me. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

the final stop

Our time in Italy seemed to be moving quickly, as was the three of our European adventure. More than that my time in Europe was coming to a close and I wasn't sure what I thought of that. Yes I was excited to get home and not live out of a suitcase (and obviously seeing the family was an added bonus) but I wasn't quite ready for my exciting life to end. 
Moving on, Rome was the last stop on our adventure. There was so much to see in this busy city and I was so excited for all of it. 
Making a wish
Spanish Steps
A confused and lost tourist

Saturday, September 10, 2011


From Venice we took a train down to Florence. I think Florence was my favourite of the Italian cities we visited. Why exactly, I am not too sure. Just a feeling. A good one (obviously). The kind that is unexpected and changes everything. 
The bustling leather market, the beautiful Duomo, seeing David at Accademia Gallery, eating the most delicious pasta and discovering the BEST gelato all made it one to remember. One to change it all. 
Leather market
Pretty awesome
 It was right around this time we decided to climb to the top of the Duomo. Bad idea for a girl who is both scared of heights and scared of spiral stairs. Oh and it was about 100 degrees and the stairs were narrow and claustrophobic. How we survived I am not sure. But the view from the top made the whole thing worth it (or at least almost worth it).
Before we knew the terrifying climb ahead
Florence. From up here. Legit.
Pants are a girls best friend
Duomo climb
Ponte Vecchio 
The BEST gelato ever
This may or may not be 5 scoops.
The fake David. We weren't allowed photos of the real one.
Even bigger YUM