Thursday, January 20, 2011

the arrival

It took countless hours and a few embarrassing episodes of sleeping in the airport but I have finally arrived in Glasgow!

My mom and I departed from Toronto Pearson airport at 8:00 pm on Tuesday. The flight from Toronto to London Heathrow is only 6 hours so not too shabby - could have been much worse. Due to the time change and the fact that when arriving in London it would be 8:30 am I wanted to sleep as much as possible on the plane. After watching Life as we know it (p.s. decent movie) I flipped and flopped trying to get comfortable. Turned out that was impossible. After arriving in London with no sleep in sight both my mom and I awkwardly fell asleep in the Heathrow airport. Our connecting flight left from Heathrow at 1:00 and arrived a little late in Glasgow at 3:00. 

Our cab driver from the airport to the hotel had a stereotypically thick Scottish accent, leaving us to understand little of what he said, except that he has been to Toronto a few times! We are staying at the Acorn Hotel on Elderslie St. It is extremely close to the University of Glasgow and the Kelvingrove park. Charlie, the worker at the hotel has been lovely in assisting us with maps and directions. 

We did a little bit of touring around the area to get ourselves oriented and had dinner at O'Neil - a traditional Irish bar. It was an early night after the small amount of sleep at the airport!

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