Friday, January 21, 2011

a lovely little rose

After hearing much about the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh I knew it was something I had to see. As I've realized it is hard to miss his work - he seems to be everywhere! He and his wife had great influence on both architecture and design throughout Glasgow. While working in architecture he developed his own style, incorporating a contrast between strong angles and floral inspired decorative motifs.
My mom and I visited the Mackintosh House at the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery yesterday. It is a reconstruction of the original house lived in by CRM and his wife Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh. I instantly fell in love with their designs. Although designed in the late 1800's his work continues to feel modern. If you want to learn more about the Mackintosh House go here

I got a postcard with his signature rose on it for my scrapbook and my mom picked up a teapot with the same thing. I am on the search for a CRM piece of jewelry. Hopefully I can find one! More to come later on other CRM discoveries.

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